08:30 |
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09:00 |
Registration |
09:00 |
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09:10 |
Welcome by
Deborah A. Cobb-Clark (University of Sydney and IZA)
Diana Kruger (Universidad Adolfo Ibañez and IZA) |
09:10 |
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11:10 |
Parallel Session 1 |
A: Contraception & Abortion |
Jeanne Lafortune (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile and IZA)
Jason M. Lindo (Texas A&M University and IZA), Andrea Kelly (Texas A&M University), Analisa Packham (Miami University) |
"The Power of the IUD: Effects of Expanding Access to Contraception Through Title X Clinics"
Hanna Mühlrad (Lund University), Damian Clarke (Universidad de Santiago de Chile and IZA) |
"Abortion Laws and Women’s Health"
Francisco J. Pino (University of Chile), Ana Nuevo-Chiquero (University of Edinburgh and IZA) |
"To Pill or not to Pill? Access to Emergency Contraception and Contraceptive Behavior"
B: Education |
Rhema Vaithianathan (AUT University)
Richard Akresh (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and IZA), Daniel Halim (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Marieke Kleemans (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) |
"Long-term and Intergenerational Effects of Education: Evidence from School Construction in Indonesia"
Elisabetta Aurino (Imperial College London), Aulo Gelli (IFPRI, International Food Policy Research Institute), Isaac Osei Akoto (University of Ghana), Clement Adamba (University of Ghana), Harold Alderman (IFPRI, International Food Policy Research Institute) |
"Food for Thought? Experimental Evidence on the Learning Impacts of a Large-Scale School Feeding Program"
Josefa Aguirre (Columbia University) |
"How Can Progressive Vouchers Help the Poor Benefit from School Choice? Evidence from the Chilean Voucher System"
11:10 |
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11:30 |
Coffee Break |
Keynote Lecture |
11:30 |
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12:20 |
Jere R. Behrman (University of Pennsylvania) |
"Early-life Undernourishment in Developing Countries: Prevalence, Impacts over the Life Cycle and Determinants"
12:20 |
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13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30 |
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15:30 |
Parallel Session 2 |
A: Health |
Valentina Duque (University of Sydney)
Breno Braga (Urban Institute and IZA), Fredric Blavin (Urban Institute), Anuj Gangopadhyaya (Urban Institute) |
"The Long-term Effects of Childhood Exposure to the Earned Income Tax Credit on Health Outcomes"
Damian Clarke (Universidad de Santiago de Chile and IZA), Sonia R. Bhalotra (University of Essex and IZA), Hanna Mühlrad (Lund University), Mårten Palme (Stockholm Univeristy and IZA) |
"Multiple Births, Birth Quality and Maternal Labor Supply: Analysis of IVF Reform in Sweden"
Osea Giuntella (University of Pittsburgh and IZA), Rania Gihleb (University of Pittsburgh and IZA), Ning Zhang (University of Pittsburgh) |
"The Effect of Mandatory Access Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs on Foster Care Admissions"
B: Gender Gaps |
Daniel S. Hamermesh (Barnard College and IZA)
Ahmed Elsayed (IZA), Olivier Marie (Erasmus University Rotterdam and IZA) |
"Gender Bias in Human Capital Investment: The Unexpected Effect of Reducing Years of Compulsory Schooling in a Developing Country"
Valentina Paredes (Universidad de Chile) |
"Mixed but not Scrambled. Gender Gaps in Single-sex Classrooms"
Tomas Rau (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), Sebastian Poblete (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile) |
"School Value-added and the Math Gender Gap in Chile"
15:30 |
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16:00 |
Coffee Break |
16:00 |
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18:00 |
Parallel Session 3 |
A: Domestic Violence |
Richard Akresh (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and IZA)
Arthur Alik-Lagrange (World Bank), Claire Cullen (Oxford University), Muthoni Ngatia (World Bank), Julia Vaillant (World Bank) |
"A Game of Give and Take: Evidence from a Lab-in-the-field Experiment in Rwanda on Interspousal Trust, Intimate Partner Violence and Realized Cooperative Gains."
Matias Berthelon (Universidad Adolfo Ibañez), Dante Contreras (Universidad de Chile), Diana Kruger (Universidad Adolfo Ibañez and IZA), María Isidora Palma (Universidad de Chile) |
"Violence during Early Childhood and Child Development"
Paul Rodriguez Lesmes (Universidad del Rosario), Darwin Cortes (Universidad del Rosario), Luis Fernando Gamboa (Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano), Carolina Velez (Universidad del Rosario) |
"The Causal Effect of Contraceptive Efforts on Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence from the Zika Crisis in Colombia"
B: Child Investment |
Deborah A. Cobb-Clark (University of Sydney and IZA)
Claudia Martínez A. (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), Marcela Perticara (Universidad Alberto Hurtado) |
"Home Alone Vs Kids Club: Adult Supervision Matters for Grades"
Todd Pugatch (Oregon State University and IZA), Moussa Blimpo (World Bank), Pedro Carneiro (University College London and IZA), Pamela Jervis Ortiz (Institute for Fiscal Studies), Nathalie Lahire (World Bank) |
"Improving Parental Investments in Children: Experimental Evidence from The Gambia"
Anna Sanz-de-Galdeano (Universidad de Alicante and IZA), Anastasia Terskaya (Universidad de Alicante) |
"Sibling Differences in Educational Polygenic Scores: How Do Parents React?"
19:30 |
Dinner (by invitation only) |
09:00 |
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11:00 |
Parallel Session 4 |
A: Child Development |
Diana Kruger (Universidad Adolfo Ibañez and IZA)
Daniel S. Hamermesh (Barnard College and IZA), Rachel Gordon (University of Illinois-Chicago), Robert Crosnoe (University of Texas at Austin) |
"“O Youth and Beauty”: Children’s Looks and Children’s Cognitive Development"
Valentina Duque (University of Sydney), Maria Rosales (Rutgers University), Fabio Sanchez (University of Los Andes) |
"How Do Early-life Shocks Interact with Subsequent Human-capital Investments? Evidence from Administrative Data"
Rafael Sanchez (Ministry of Finance, Chile), Matias Berthelon (Universidad Adolfo Ibañez), Diana Kruger (Universidad Adolfo Ibañez and IZA) |
"Maternal Stress during Pregnancy and Early Childhood Development"
B: Family and Children |
Ahmed Elsayed (IZA)
Jeanne Lafortune (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile and IZA), Corinne Low (University of Pennsylvania) |
"Betting the House: The Role of Homeownership in Marital Commitment and Child Investments"
Jorge Rodríguez (Universidad de los Andes) |
"Understanding the Effects of a Work-based Welfare Policy on Child Human Capital"
Alejandro Montecinos (Universidad Adolfo Ibañez), Francisco Parro (Universidad Adolfo Ibañez) |
"Giving in Networks"
11:00 |
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11:30 |
Coffee Break |
Keynote Lecture |
11:30 |
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12:20 |
Rhema Vaithianathan (AUT University) |
"Implementing a High Stakes Policy Innovation: Designing and Using Predictive Risk Models for Child Maltreatment"
12:20 |
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13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30 |
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14:50 |
Parallel Session 5 |
A: Youth and Adolescence |
Valentina Paredes (Universidad de Chile)
Pablo Celhay (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), Emilio Depetris-Chauvin (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), María C. Riquelme (University of Maryland) |
"When a Strike Strikes Twice: Massive Student Mobilizations, School Incapacitation Effects, and Teenage Pregnancy in Chile"
Nicolas Grau (University of Chile), Tomás Cortés (University of Chile), Jorge Rivera (University of Chile) |
"Juvenile Incarceration and Adult Recidivism"
B: Cash Transfers |
Claudia Martínez A. (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile)
Florencia López Bóo (Inter-American Development Bank and IZA), John Creamer (U.S. Census Bureau) |
"Cash, Conditions and Child Development: Experimental Evidence from a Cash Transfer in Honduras"
Cecilia Machado (Fundação Getúlio Vargas and IZA), Tiago Bonomo (University of British Columbia) |
"Cash and Care: Conditional Cash Transfers and Birth Outcomes"