08:00 |
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08:30 |
Please bring a photo ID to register at the entrance and expect some waiting time in the morning of June 6th. Participants must hold on to their entry passes throughout the duration of the conference. |
Session 1 - Plenary I (video)
Main Room: MC 2-800 |
08:30 |
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09:00 |
Welcome Remarks
Gary S. Fields (Cornell University and IZA)
Piotr Lewandowski (Institute for Structural Research (IBS) and IZA)
Ian Walker (World Bank) |
09:00 |
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10:00 |
Policy Makers Panel |
Ian Walker (World Bank)
Prakash Loungani (International Monetary Fund)
Steven Ayres (DFID)
Kunal Sen (UNU-WIDER, University of Manchester and IZA)
Indhira Santos (World Bank)
10:00 |
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10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 |
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12:30 |
Session 2 A: Automation and the Future of Work (video)
Room: MC 2-800
Federica Saliola (World Bank)
Piotr Lewandowski (Institute for Structural Research (IBS) and IZA), Albert Park (Hong Kong University of Science & Technology and IZA), Wojciech Hardy (Institute for Structural Research (IBS)), Du Yang (Chinese Academy of Social Science) |
"Technology, Skills and Globalisation: Explaining International Differences in Routine and Nonroutine Work Using Survey Data"
Hernan Winkler (World Bank), Luc Christiaensen (World Bank), Erhan Artuc (World Bank) |
"Does Automation in Rich Countries Hurt Developing Ones? Evidence from US and Mexico"
Jennifer P. Poole (American University and IZA), Rita K. Almeida (World Bank and IZA), Carlos H. L. Corseuil (IPEA) |
"The Impact of Digital Technology on Worker Tasks: Do Labor Policies Matter?"
Matias Cortes (York University, Canada), Diego M. Morris (Nottingham Trent University) |
"Are Routine Jobs Moving South? Evidence from Changes in the Occupational Structure of Employment in the U.S. and Mexico"
10:30 |
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12:30 |
Session 2 B: Jobs and Territorial Development
Room: MC-C1-200
Somik V. Lall (World Bank)
Oscar A. Mitnik (Inter-American Development Bank and IZA), Daniel Martinez (Inter-American Development Bank), Edgar Salgado (Inter-American Development Bank), Lynn Scholl (Inter-American Development Bank), Patricia Yañez-Pagans (IDB Invest) |
"Connecting to Economic Opportunity: The Role of Public Transport in Promoting Women’s Employment in Lima"
Xiao Ke (Peking University), Justin Yifu Lin (Peking University) |
"High-speed Rail, Structural Transformation and Inclusive Growth: Quantitative Case Study of the Experimental High-speed Rail Project in China"
Shirlee Lichtman-Sadot (Ben Gurion University), AamerAbu-Qarn (Ben Gurion University) |
"The Tradeoff between Work and Higher Education: Evidence from the Introduction of Public Transportation to Arab Communities in Israel"
Hanne Van Cappellen (University of Antwerp), Joachim De Weerdt (University of Antwerp) |
"Rural Labor Productivity and Urbanisation in Sub-Saharan Africa"
Jin Wang (Hong Kong University of Science & Technology) |
"Place-based Policies, Creation and Agglomeration Economies: Evidence from China's Economic Zone Program"
10:30 |
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12:30 |
Session 2 C: Gender
Room: MC-C1-110
Aphichoke Kotikula (World Bank)
Zahra Siddique (University of Bristol and IZA) |
"Violence and Female Labor Supply"
Manuel Santos Silva (University of Göttingen), Stephan Klasen (University of Göttingen and IZA), Janneke Pieters (Wageningen University and IZA), Le Thi Ngoc Tu (University of Göttingen) |
"What Drives Female Labor Force Participation? Comparable Micro-level Evidence from Eight Developing and Emerging Economies"
Kanika Mahajan (Ashoka University), Farzana Afridi (Indian Statistical Institute and IZA), Monisankar Bishnu (Indian Statistical Institute) |
"What Determines Women's Labor Supply? Market Productivity, Home Productivity and Social Norms"
Momoe Makino (Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO)) |
"Labor Market Information and Parental Attitude toward Daughters’ Labor Force Participation: Experimental Evidence from Rural Pakistan"
10:30 |
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12:30 |
Session 2 D: Entrepreneurship
Room: MC-C1-100
Johanne Buba (World Bank)
Zuzana Brixiova Schwidrowski (Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republik and IZA), Thierry Kangoye (African Development Bank) |
"Networks, Start-up Capital and Women’s Entrepreneurial Performance in Africa: Evidence from Eswatini"
Adam Osman (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Bruno Crepon (CREST and IZA), Mohamed El Komi (American University in Cairo) |
"Grants vs. Loans: Mapping Investment Decisions into Business Outcomes"
Iga Magda (Institute for Structural Research (IBS), Warsaw School of Economics and IZA), Katarzyna Sałach (Warsaw University) |
"Gender Pay Gap Patterns in Domestic and Foreign-owned Firms"
Kala Krishna (Pennsylvania State University), Xue Bai (Brock University), Arpita Chatterjee (University of New South Wales), Hong Ma (Tsinghua University) |
"Trade and Minimum Wages in General Equilibrium: Theory and Evidence"
12:30 |
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14:00 |
Lunch |
Session 3 - Plenary II
Main Room: MC 2-800 |
14:00 |
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15:00 |
Keynote (video) |
Michal Rutkowski (World Bank)
Daron Acemoglu (MIT and IZA) |
"Productivity, Work and Wages: Lessons for Developed and Developing Economies"
15:00 |
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15:30 |
Coffee Break |
15:30 |
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17:00 |
ICRIER Special Session 4 A: India’s Employment Challenges
Room: MC-C1-110 |
Rajat Kathuria (Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER))
Rajat Kathuria (Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER)) |
"Understanding Online Employment in India"
Radhicka Kapoor (Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER)) |
"The Changing World of Work in Developing and Emerging Economies"
Deb Kusum Das (Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER)) |
"Export Intensity and Jobs-evidence from India’s Formal Manufacturing Plants"
15:30 |
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17:00 |
LACEA Special Session 4 B: Jobs Outcomes in Latin America
Room: MC-C1-200 |
Oliver Azuara (Inter-American Development Bank)
Felipe Saffie (University of Maryland), Felipe Benguria (University of Kentucky), Sergio Urzúa (University of Maryland and IZA) |
"The Transmission of Commodity Price Super-cycles"
Miguel Sarzosa (Purdue University), Rosa Castro-Zarzur (University of Maryland), Ricardo Espinoza (OECD) |
"Unintended Consequences of Free College: Self-selection into the Teaching Profession"
Ana Maria Ibanez (Universidad de los Andes) |
"Allowing Migrants to Work: Impacts of Temporal Job Permits to Venezuelans in Colombian Labor Markets"
15:30 |
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17:00 |
World Bank Special Session 4 C: Job Quality and Better Jobs (video)
Room: MC 2-800 |
Ian Walker (World Bank)
Dino Merotto (World Bank) |
"Pathway to Better Jobs in IDA Countries"
John T. Giles (World Bank and IZA), Xin Meng (Australian National University), Sen Xue (Jinan University), Guochang Zhao (Southwest University of Finance and Economics) |
"Can Information Influence the Social Insurance Participation Decision of China’s Rural Migrants?"
Claudia Ruiz (ILO International Labour Organization) |
"Pathways to Formalization: Going Beyond the Formality Dichotomy (The Case of Peru)"
15:30 |
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17:00 |
Session 4 D: Migration
Room: MC-C1-100
Dilip Ratha (World Bank)
Ira N. Gang (Rutgers University and IZA), Ilhom Abdulloev (Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation in Tajikistan and IZA), Gil S. Epstein (Bar-Ilan University and IZA) |
"Migration and Forsaken Schooling in Former Soviet Central Asia"
Melanie Khamis (Wesleyan University and IZA), Emily Conover (Hamilton College), Sarah Pearlman (Vassar College) |
"Reversed Migration Trends and Local Labor Markets"
Murat Güray Kirdar (Bogazici University and IZA), Ege Aksu (CUNY), Refik Erzan (Boğaziçi University) |
"The Impact of Mass Migration of Syrians on the Turkish Labor Market"
18:00 |
Reception |
19:00 |
Dinner |
08:30 |
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10:30 |
Session 5 A: Unemployment and Job Search (video)
Room: MC 2-800
Hana Brixi (World Bank)
Sanjay Jain (University of Oxford and IZA) |
"Know Thyself: A Decision-Theoretic Model of Over-Education and Educated Unemployment"
Federico Tagliati (Bank of Spain), Alex Armand (University of Navarra), Pedro Carneiro (University College London and IZA), Yiming Xia (University College London) |
"Can Subsidized Employment Tackle Long-term Unemployment? Experimental Evidence from Macedonia"
Blagica Petreski (Finance Think, Macedonia), Despina Tumanoska (Finance Think, Macedonia), Jorge Davalos (Universidad del Pacífico, Peru), Ivan Vchkov (Finance Think, Macedonia), Tereza Kochovska (Finance Think, Macedonia) |
"Analysis of Youth Underemployment in Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia"
Paolo Falco (OECD), Girum Abebe (Ethiopian Development Research Institute), Stefano Cariat (University of Oxford), Marcel Fafchamps (Stanford University and IZA), Simon Franklin (London School of Economics), Simon Quinn (University of Oxford) |
"Anonymity or Distance? Job Search and Labor Market Exclusion in a Growing African City"
08:30 |
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10:30 |
Session 5 B: Formality and Informality
Room: MC-C1-200 |
Michael Weber (World Bank)
Julián Messina (Inter-American Development Bank and IZA), Santiago Reyes (Inter-American Development Bank), Anna Sanz-de-Galdeano (Inter-American Development Bank and IZA) |
"The Returns to Formal Labor Market Experience. Is It about You or about Your Workplace?"
Luca Flabbi (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and IZA), Matteo Bobba (Toulouse School of Economics and IZA), Santiago Levy (Inter-American Development Bank and IZA) |
"Labor Market Search, Informality and Schooling Investments."
Oscar Becerra (Universidad de los Andes) |
"Effects of Future Pension Benefits on Pre-retirement Labor Supply: Evidence from Chile"
Charlotte Sandoz (International Monetary Fund), Adil Mohommad (International Monetary Fund), Piyaporn Sodsriwiboon (International Monetary Fund) |
"Resource Misallocation in India: The Role of Cross-State Labor Market Reform"
08:30 |
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10:30 |
Session 5 C: Gender II
Room: MC-C1-100
Namita Datta (World Bank)
Mariana Viollaz (CEDLAS-UNLP), Hernan Winkler (World Bank) |
"Does the Internet Reduce Gender Gaps? The Case of Jordan"
Sarra Ben Yahmed (ZEW Mannheim) |
"Gender Wage Discrimination and Trade Openness. Prejudiced Employers in an Open Industry"
Sadia Priyanka (Clark University) |
"Do Female Politicians Matter for Female Labor Market Outcomes? Evidence from State Legislative Elections in India"
Andreas Menzel (CERGE-EI), Rocco Macchiavello (London School of Economics), Atonu Rabbani (University of Dhaka) |
"Challenges of Change: An Experiment Promoting Women to Managerial Roles in the Bangladeshi Garment Sector"
08:30 |
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10:30 |
Session 5 D: Social Protection Systems
Room: MC-C1-110
Cristobal Ridao-Cano (World Bank)
Tomas Rau (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), Sebastian Poblete (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile) |
"Maternity Leave Reform and Female Labor Market Outcomes in Chile"
Diana Kruger (Universidad Adolfo Ibañez and IZA), Matias Berthelon (Universidad Adolfo Ibañez), Catalina Lauer (Universidad Adolfo Ibañez), Carlos Zamora (Ministerio de Hacienda) |
"Longer School Schedules, Child Care, and Mothers’ Employment Quality: Evidence from a School Reform in Chile"
Hai-Anh H Dang (World Bank), Masako Hiraga (World Bank), Cuong V. Nguyen (National Economics University, Vietnam) |
"Childcare and Maternal Employment: Evidence from Vietnam"
Albert Park (Hong Kong University of Science & Technology and IZA) |
"Uneven Enforcement of Social Insurance Regulations in China"
10:30 |
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10:45 |
Coffee Break |
Session 6 - Plenary III
Main Room: MC 2-800 |
10:45 |
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12:00 |
Keynote (video)
Michal Rutkowski (World Bank)
Ricardo Hausmann (Harvard Kennedy School) |
"Growth Diagnostics vs Jobs Diagnostics – What is the difference?"
12:00 |
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13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30 |
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15:00 |
GLM|LIC Special Session 7 A: Growth and Labor Markets in Low-income Countries (video)
Room: MC 2-800
Ahmed Elsayed (IZA)
Samuel Asher (World Bank), Paul Novosad (Dartmouth College), Charlie Rafkin (MIT) |
"Intergenerational Mobility in India: Estimates from New Methods and Administrative Data"
Abu S. Shonchoy (Florida International University), Tomoki Fujii (Singapore Management University), Selim Raihan (University of Dhaka) |
"Barriers to Labor Migration for the Rural Poor: Experimental Evidence from a Vocational Training Program in Bangladesh"
Peter Brummund (University of Alabama and IZA), Joshua D. Merfeld (New York University) |
"Should Farmers Farm More? Comparing Marginal Products within Malawian Households"
13:30 |
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15:00 |
Session 7 B: Education and Training
Room: MC-C1-110
Omar Arias (World Bank)
Daniel Halim (World Bank), Richard Akresh (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and IZA), Marieke Kleemans (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) |
"Long-term and Intergenerational Effects of Education: Evidence from School Construction in Indonesia"
Damien de Walque (World Bank), Christine Valente (University of Bristol and IZA) |
"Incentivizing School Attendance in the Presence of Parent-Child Information Frictions"
Santiago Caicedo (Universidad de los Andes), Miguel Espinosa (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Arthur Seibold (University of Mannheim) |
"Mandating Training in Firms: Theory and Evidence from the Colombian Apprenticeship Program"
13:30 |
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15:00 |
Session 7 C: Skills
Room: MC-C1-200
Victoria Levin (World Bank)
Hernan Winkler (World Bank), Salvatore Lo Bello (World Bank), Maria Laura Sanchez Puerta (World Bank and IZA)
"From Ghana to America: The Skill Content of Jobs and Economic Development" |
Federico Rossi (University of Warwick) |
"The Relative Efficiency of Skilled Labor across Countries: Measurement and Interpretation"
Bladimir Carrillo (Universidade Federal de Viçosa) |
"The Value of Time and Skill Acquisition in the Long Run: Evidence from Coffee Booms and Busts"
13:30 |
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15:00 |
Session 7 D: Fragility, Conflict and Violence
Room: MC-C1-100
Jan Von der Goltz (World Bank)
Alicia C. Marguerie (CREST (ENSAE)), Patrick Premand (World Bank) |
"Economic Inclusion, Micro-entrepreneurship and Social Cohesion Experimental Evidence from Post-conflict Côte d’Ivoire"
Adaiah Lilenstein (University of Cape Town), Amy Thornton (DPRU), Haroon Bhorat (DPRU), Kirsten van der Zee (UCT), Jabulile Monnakgotla (DPRU) |
"Property Crime and Inequality - The Case of South Africa"
Michal Myck (Centre for Economic Analysis, CenEA and IZA), Radim Bohacek (CERGE-EI) |
"Economic Consequences of Political Persecution"
15:00 |
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15:30 |
Coffee Break |
15:30 |
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17:30 |
Session 8 A: Measuring and Modeling Jobs’ Impacts
Room: MC-C1-100 |
Radhicka Kapoor (Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER))
Jose M. Romero (World Bank), David Robalino (World Bank and IZA), Ian Walker (World Bank) |
"Allocating Matching Grants for Private Investments to Maximize Jobs Impacts"
Christian Johannes Meyer (European University Institute and World Bank) |
"In Search of a Better Life: Self-control in the Ethiopian Labor Market"
Amina Ebrahim (University of Cape Town), Murray Leibbrandt (University of Cape Town and IZA), Vimal Ranchhod (University of Cape Town) |
"The Employment Effects of the South African Youth Wage Subsidy"
Osea Giuntella (University of Pittsburgh and IZA), Tianyi Wang (University of Pittsburgh) |
"Is an Army of Robots Marching on Chinese Jobs"
15:30 |
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17:30 |
Session 8 B: Firms and Labor Demand
Room: MC-C1-200
Alvaro Gonzalez (World Bank)
Edson Severnini (Carnegie Mellon University and IZA), François Gerard (Columbia University), Lorenzo Lagos (Columbia University), David Card (University of California, Berkeley and IZA) |
"Assortative Matching or Exclusionary Hiring? The Impact of Firm Policies on Racial Wage Differences in Brazil"
Matias Tapia (Central Bank of Chile), Elias Albagli (Central Bank of Chile), Antonio Martner (Central Bank of Chile), Mario Marcel (Central Bank of Chile) |
"Sudden Firm Closures and the Effects on Displaced Workers"
Carlos Rodriguez Castelan (World Bank and IZA), Lourdes Rodriguez-Chamussy (World Bank) |
"More Market Concentration, More Poverty? Evidence from the Retail Sector in Mexico"
Francisca Perez (University of Chile) |
"Estimated Dynamic Industry Equilibrium Model with Firing Costs and Subcontracting"
15:30 |
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17:30 |
Session 8 C: Income and Employment (video)
Room: MC 2-800
Piotr Lewandowski (Institute for Structural Research (IBS) and IZA)
Tulio Cravo (African Development Bank), Paulo de Andrade Jacinto (Federal University of Parana), Caroline Schimanski (UNU-WIDER) |
"Employment Cyclicality by Firm Size, Wage, and Productivity in Brazil"
Gary S. Fields (Cornell University and IZA), Robert Duval-Hernandez (Open University of Cyprus and IZA), George H. Jakubson (Cornell University) |
"Panel Income Changes and Changing Relative Income Inequality"
Veronica Escudero (ILO International Labour Organization), Elva López Mourelo (ILO International Labour Organization), Clemente Pignatti (ILO International Labour Organization) |
"Joint Provision of Income and Employment Support: Evidence from a Crisis Response in Uruguay"
Gustavo N. Paez (University of Cambridge), Carole Chartouni (World Bank), Robert Holzmann (University of New South Wales and IZA) |
"Not Everyone is Engaged: An Innovative Approach to Measure Engagement Levels on the Labor Market"
15:30 |
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17:30 |
Session 8 D: Wage Policy
Room: MC-C1-110
Truman Packard (World Bank)
Jin Ho Kim (George Washington University), Benjamin Williams (George Washington University) |
"Minimum Wage and Women’s Decision Making Power within Households: Evidence from Indonesia"
T. H. Gindling (University of Maryland, Baltimore County and IZA), Zahid Hasnain (World Bank), David Newhouse (World Bank and IZA), Rong Shi (World Bank) |
"Are Public Sector Workers in Developing Countries Overpaid? Evidence from a New Global Dataset"
Nancy H. Chau (Cornell University and IZA), Arnab K. Basu (Cornell University and IZA), Vidhya Soundararajan (Indian Institute of Management Bangalore) |
"Wage Fairness in a Subcontracted Labor Market"
Zaakhir Asmal (University of Cape Town), Haroon Bhorat (University of Cape Town and IZA), Ravi Kanbur (Cornell University), Marco Ranzani (World Bank), Pierella Paci (World Bank) |
"Minimum Wages and Labor Supply in an Emerging Market: The Case of Mauritius"