G²LM|LIC COVID-19 Research Meeting
Get Involved
Two years after the “G²LM|LIC - Call of Interest on COVID-19 in Low-Income Countries”, we are excited to learn about the results of the COVID-19 related research, the evidence found and the challenges the projects had to deal with.
On Twitter: @GLMLIC | #glmlicCOVID
Guest Registration

All times stated in CEST (Central European Summer Time, GMT+2).
Please carefully check your time zone.
+++ presentation + Q&A: 20 minutes +++
Friday, May 20
18:00 - 18:10
Welcome and Introduction
Benedetta Musillo (Social Development Adviser at Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO))
Oriana Bandiera (Director of the G²LM |LIC Programme)
Ahmed Elsayed (Deputy Director of the G²LM |LIC Programme)
Session A: Migration
18:10 - 18:30
Simone G. Schaner (University of Southern California)
"Is Heading Home a Dead End? COVID-19-Induced Migration and Local Labor Market Opportunities in Rural India"
Session B: Firms and the Informal Sector
18:30 - 18:50
Atiya Rahman (BRAC University)
"The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Small Firms in Developing Countries"
Session C: Gender
18:50 - 19:10
Michelle Layvant (UC Berkeley), Michael Walker (UC Berkeley)
"Gender Effects of COVID-19: Evidence from the Kenya Life Panel Survey"
Session B continued: Firms and the Informal Sector
19:10 - 19:30
Nathan Fiala (University of Connecticut), Jörg Peters (RWI Essen)
"Resilience and Recovery: The Economic Impact of COVID-19 on the Informal Sector in Uganda"
Wrap Up
Oriana Bandiera (Director of the G²LM |LIC Programme)
Ahmed Elsayed (Deputy Director of the G²LM |LIC Programme)
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