IZA/FCDO G²LM|LIC - Jobs of the World Project Launch

We are delighted to announce the G²LM|LIC - Jobs of the World Project (JWD) Launch.
All times stated in CEST (Central European Summer Time, GMT+2).
Please carefully check your time zone.
Get involved on twitter: @GLMLIC | #glmlicJWD
- Robin Burgess (London School of Economics)
18:00 – 18:10 Opening Remarks
- Hilmar Schneider (CEO of IZA)
- Andy Hinsley (Research and Evidence Division Team Leader in the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO))
18:10 – 18:15 The Idea and the Concept of the Jobs World Project
- Oriana Bandiera (Director of the G²LM |LIC Programme)
Data and Website
18:15 – 18:35 Jobs of the World Database
- Andrea Smurra (University College London and Institute for Fiscal Studies)
Research Examples
18:35 – 18:45 Young Adults and Labour Markets in Africa
- Ahmed Elsayed (Deputy Director of the G²LM |LIC Programme)
18:45 – 18:55 An Empirical Analysis of the Banerjee-Newman Occupational Choice Model
- Gabriel Leite Mariante (London School of Economics)
Building Blocks
18:55 – 19:05 Wealth as a Key Feature of the Data
- Caterina Soto-Vieira (London School of Economics)
19:05 – 19:15 Future Directions and Research Questions
- Céline Zipfel (Stockholm School of Economics)
19:15 – 19:30 Comments on the Project
- Adnan Khan (Chief Economist and Director for Economics and Evaluation Directorate in the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO))
About the G²LM|LIC - Jobs of the World Project (JWD)
The Jobs of the World Project is a publicly available resource built to enable researchers to analyse comparable labour market outcomes across countries and time using micro data. At the core of the project is the collation and harmonisation of all available Censuses (IPUMS) and Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) for low- and middle-income countries. The two sources combined provides coverage of countries representing about 81 percent of the world’s population, and more than 90 percent of the population in low- and middle-income countries. A key innovation is the construction of comparable wealth measures that allow researchers to analyse labour market outcomes across wealth classes. The project has three outputs:
- Codes that allow researchers to implement the harmonisation and produce customised data sets from publicly available IPUMS and DHS
- The Jobs of the World Database (JWD). The database focuses on a wide range of labour market characteristics including, but not limited to: labour force participation, type of employment (e.g., waged or self-employment), sector of employment (e.g., agriculture, manufacturing, or service), skill level (e.g., managers and professionals, white collar, or blue collar)
- Web platform to build downloadable maps and charts based on JWD
If you are interested to attend online feel free to register here: