IZA/Leiden University/OECD Workshop: Recent Advances in Labor Economics Using Linked Employer-Employee Data
About the Workshop
The workshop seeks to bring together researchers who share an interest in using linked employer-employee data for innovative and policy-relevant research. The workshop will take place on Thursday 22 (from around 1PM) and Friday 23 May (until around 6PM). The workshop, organized in the context of the OECD's LinkEED v 2.0 project, seeks to enhance our understanding of the role of policies and institutions in economic and labor market outcomes using cross-country linked employer-employee data. We welcome submissions of applied papers in labor economics that use single-country or cross-country linked employer-employee data in all areas including:
- Gender pay gaps, family policies and pay transparency rules
- The integration of migrants and the role of firms
- Frictions, job mobility and wages
- Intergenerational mobility
- Econometrics of linked employer-employee data
Researchers interested in participating should submit a paper or extended abstract by February 14, 2025 using our Online Application Form. Notification of acceptance will be provided by March 10, 2025.
Travel and Accommodation
Those authors who are invited are expected to participate in the entire workshop. Economy class travel for presenting authors and discussants will be covered according to the IZA Reimbursement Guidelines. Two nights of lodging, dinner on May 22 and lunch on May 23 will be booked and covered by Leiden University.
Kindly note that tax regulations prohibit IZA from fully reimbursing the travel expenses of conference participants who combine their trip with other destinations or extend their stay beyond the four-day window surrounding the event.
To ensure a respectful and inclusive environment, we expect all participants to adhere to the Code of Conduct for IZA Events.
Parts of the workshop are open in person for guests subject to space.
If you are interested in the workshop feel free to sign up to participate or live-stream the event. We welcome to share this call for papers with other interested researchers.