7th LISER and IDSC of IZA Workshop: Matching Workers and Jobs Online - New Developments and Opportunities for Social Science and Practice
September 26, 2024 - September 27, 2024

7th LISER and IDSC of IZA Workshop: Matching Workers and Jobs Online - New Developments and Opportunities for Social Science and Practice

September 26, 2024 - September 27, 2024
Belval Campus, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
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Organizers: Nikos Askitas (IZA), Michela Bia (LISER), Anna Dober (LISER), Christina Gathmann (LISER and IZA), Peter J. Kuhn (UC Santa Barbara and IZA)
Event Manager: Dominik Spitza

Guest Registration

September 26 (day 1):      
September 27 (day 2):      


Forschungsinstitut zur
Zukunft der Arbeit GmbH (IZA)

Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 5–9
53113 Bonn, Germany