10th Early-Career Behavioral Economics Conference (ECBE)
July 01, 2024 - July 02, 2024

10th Early-Career Behavioral Economics Conference (ECBE)

July 01, 2024 - July 02, 2024
IZA, Bonn
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Organizers: Peter Andre (Goethe University Frankfurt), Cuimin Ba (University of Pittsburgh), Luca Henkel (University of Chicago and IZA), Mattie Toma (University of Warwick)
Event Manager: Dominik Spitza

Reviewing Committee

Luca Braghieri (Bocconi University), Ben Bushong (Michigan State University), John Conlon (Stanford University), Katrin Gödker (Bocconi University)


+++ Presentation: 15 minutes +++ Q&A: 5 minutes +++

Monday, July 01

09:00 - 09:30


09:30 - 09:40

Welcome Remarks

09:40 - 11:00

Session 1: Social Values in Markets

Chair: Luca Henkel (University of Chicago and IZA)

Marc Kaufmann (Central European University)
"Understanding Markets with Socially Responsible Consumers"

Sili Zhang (LMU Munich)
"What Money Can Buy: How Market Exchange Promotes Values"

Anna Schulze Tilling (University of Bonn)
"Changing Consumption Behavior with Carbon Labels: Causal Evidence on Behavioral Channels and Effectiveness"

Andrej Woerner (LMU Munich)
"How to Increase Public Support for Carbon Pricing"

11:00 - 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 - 12:30

Session 2: Learning I

Chair: Luca Henkel (University of Chicago and IZA)

Franz Ostrizek (Sciences Po, Paris and IZA)
"Acquisition, (Mis)use and Dissemination of Information: The Blessing of Cursedness and Transparency"

Peter Andre (Goethe University Frankfurt)
"Mental Models of the Stock Market"

Cuimin Ba (University of Pittsburgh)
"Robust Misspecified Models and Paradigm Shifts"

12:30 - 14:00


14:00 - 15:00

Session 3: Behavioral Consumption


Holly Dykstra (University of Konstanz)
"The Buy-In Effect: When Increasing Initial Effort Motivates Behavioral Follow-Through"

Rafael Jimenez (Bocconi University)
"When Product Markets Become Collective Traps: The Case of Social Media"

Philip Schnorpfeil (Goethe University Frankfurt)
"Households' Response to the Wealth Effects of Inflation"

15:00 - 16:00

Coffee Break

16:00 - 16:40

Session 4: Attention


John Conlon (Stanford University)
"Attention, Neglect and Persuasion"

Andreas Kraft (University of Chicago)
"Behavioral Skimming: Theory and Evidence from Resale Markets"


Conference Dinner

Tuesday, July 02

09:15 - 09:40

Welcome Coffee

09:40 - 11:00

Session 5: Complexity

Chair: Cuimin Ba (University of Pittsburgh)

Jeffrey Yang ( Harvard University)
"Similarity and Comparison Complexity"

Luca Henkel (University of Chicago and IZA)
"Interpersonal Uncertainty as the Origin of Differences in Moral Behavior"

Gonzalo Arrieta (Stanford University)
"Procedural Decision-Making in the Face of Complexity"

Shakked Noy (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
"Lost in Transmission"

11:00 - 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 - 12:30

Session 6: Learning II

Chair: Cuimin Ba (University of Pittsburgh)

Katrin Gödker (Bocconi University)
"Disposed to Be Overconfident"

Chiara Aina (Harvard University)
"Contingent Belief Updating"

Mattie Toma (University of Warwick)
"Numbers Tell, Words Sell"

12:30 - 14:00


14:00 - 15:00

Session 7: Methods

Chair: Mattie Toma (University of Warwick)

Felix Chopra (IZA)
"Conducting Qualitative Interviews with AI"

Fernando Payro Chew (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
"Bayesian Adaptive Choice Experiments"

David Walker-Jones (University of Surrey)
"Difficult Decisions"

15:00 - 16:00

Coffee Break

16:00 - 17:00

Session 8: Inefficiencies and Inequities

Chair: Mattie Toma (University of Warwick)

Manasvini Singh (Carnegie Mellon University)
"Rationing by Race"

Charlie Rafkin (MIT)
"Eviction as Bargaining Failure: Hostility and Misperceptions in the Rental Housing Market"

Germán Reyes (Middlebury College and IZA)
"Cognitive Endurance, Talent Selection, and the Labor Market Returns to Human Capital"

17:00 - 17:10

Closing Remarks


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Zukunft der Arbeit GmbH (IZA)

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53113 Bonn, Germany