17th IZA & 4th IZA/CREST Conference: Labor Market Policy Evaluation
October 06, 2022 - October 07, 2022

17th IZA & 4th IZA/CREST Conference: Labor Market Policy Evaluation

October 06, 2022 - October 07, 2022
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Organizers: Marco Caliendo (University of Potsdam and IZA), Bruno Crépon (CREST and IZA), Xavier D'Haultfoeuille (CREST), Arne Uhlendorff (CREST and IZA), Gerard J. van den Berg (University of Groningen and IZA)
Submission Deadline: June 30, 2022
Notification of Acceptance: July 08, 2022
Event Manager: Dominik Spitza

Keynote Speaker

Susan Athey (Stanford University)

About the Workshop

We are very pleased to announce the 17th IZA & 4th IZA/CREST Conference on Labor Market Policy Evaluation. This conference is an initiative of the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) in Bonn in cooperation with CREST.

The Program Committee invites submissions for about 12 presentations from academic researchers doing program evaluation research on policy issues related to the labor market. Papers that include innovative approaches or methodological contributions are of particular interest.

Topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Innovative methods for policy evaluation (e.g. based on field experiments)
  • Labor market policies for low-skilled, youth and other disadvantaged unemployed groups/welfare recipients
  • Labor market policies that deal with the aftermath of the COVID-pandemic
  • Policies to integrate refugees and migrants into the labor market
  • Gender norms and the labor market
  • Relationship between labor market policies and health outcomes
  • The effects of labor market policies on inequality (in wages, occupations, job tasks etc.)
  • Machine learning for policy evaluation
  • Identification of treatment effects


Please use the Online Application Form to submit pdf versions of papers. The deadline for paper submission is June 30, 2022.

Kindly note that we expect the submitter being the presenter of the paper.

Confirmations will be sent until July 8, 2022.


Those interested in following the workshop are warmly invited to sign up for the live stream. We encourage sharing this call for papers with other interested researchers.

Guest Registration


Forschungsinstitut zur
Zukunft der Arbeit GmbH (IZA)

Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 5–9
53113 Bonn, Germany