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3rd IZA/HSE Workshop on Skills and Preferences and Labor Market Outcomes in Post-transition and Emerging Economies

Organizers: Hartmut Lehmann (University of Bologna, HSE University and IZA), Vladimir Gimpelson (HSE University and IZA), Rostislav Kapeliushnikov (HSE University), Alexander Muravyev (HSE University and IZA)
Location:Higher School of Economics, Saint Petersburg, 194100, Kantemirovskaya Street 3A, Room 339
Date:September 26, 2019 - September 27, 2019

Event Manager:

Dominik Spitza (IZA)


+++ paper presentation: 35 minutes +++ general discussion: 15 minutes +++

Wednesday, September 25

Arrival of participants

Thursday, September 26:

09:00 - 09:20   Registration and Opening Remarks
09:20 - 11:00   Session A: The Efficacy of Programs Tackling High Youth Unemployment: Experimental Evidence from Two Emerging Economies
  Chair: Zuzana Brixiova (Technical University of Ostrava and IZA)
    Furio C. Rosati (University of Rome Tor Vergata and IZA), Angela Elzir Assy (World Bank), Tiago Ribeiro (World Bank), David Robalino (World Bank and IZA), Maria Laura Sanchez Puerta (World Bank and IZA), Michael Weber (World Bank)
  "The Jobs that Youth Want and the Support They Need to Get Them: Evidence from a Discrete Choice Experiment in Kenya"
    Jose C. Galdo (Carleton University and IZA), Maria Laura Alzua (CEDLAS-Universidad Nacional de la Plata), Soyolmaa Batbekh (National University of Mongolia), Altantsetseg Batchuluun (National University of Mongolia), Bayarmaa Dalkhjav (Scool of Economic Studies Ulaanbatar)
  "Demand-driven Vocational Skills Training for the Youth: Experimental Evidence from Mongolia"
11:00 - 11:20   Coffee Break
11:20 - 13:00   Session B: The Effects of Personality Traits on Occupational Attainment and on Working Poverty
  Chair: Hartmut Lehmann (University of Bologna, HSE University and IZA)
    Dorothee Buehler (Leibniz University of Hannover), Rasadhika Sharma (Leibniz University of Hannover), Wiebke Stein (Leibniz University of Hannover)
  "Picking the Plough or Not - How do Personality Traits Influence Occupational Attainment in Emerging Southeast Asia?"
    Francesco Pastore (Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli and IZA)
  "Personality Traits and Working Poverty in Mongolia"
13:00 - 14:00   Lunch
14:00 - 15:40   Session C: Inter-generational Mechanisms of Cognitive and Non-cognitive Development and Returns to Non-cognitive Skills
  Chair: Nauro F. Campos (University College London and IZA)
    Anna Kochanova (Cardiff University), Maryam Nagsh Nejad (University of Technology, Sydney and IZA)
  "Minds for the Market: Non-Cognitive Skills in Post-Soviet Countries"
15:40 - 16:00   Coffee Break
16:00 - 18:30   Session D: Gender Issues in Human Capital Investment and Digitalization
  Chair: Vladimir Gimpelson (HSE University and IZA)
    Ahmed Elsayed (IZA), Olivier Marie (Erasmus University Rotterdam, ROA and IZA)
  "Gender Bias in Human Capital Investment: The Unexpected Effect of Reducing Years of Compulsory Schooling in a Developing Country"
    Zuzana Brixiova (Technical University of Ostrava and IZA), Marian Gencev (Technical University of Ostrava), Susumu Imai (Hokkaido University)
  "The Digital Gender Gap and Entrepreneurship in Emerging Europe"
    Cara Ebert (RWI), Sebastian Vollmer (University of Goettingen)
  "Child-specific Son Preference, Birth Order and Cognitive Skills in Early Childhood"
19:30       Dinner

Friday, September 27:

09:15 - 11:45   Session E: Preferences, Measuring Human Capital and Perceived Returns to Schooling
  Chair: Francesco Pastore (Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli and IZA)
    Alexis Belianin (HSE University), Heike Hennig-Schmidt (University of Bonn), Olga Kuznetsova (Samara State University), Marina Ryzhkova (Tomsk State University), Gari Walkowitz (Technical University Munich), Gregory Chernov (HSE University)
  "Behavior and Beliefs in Long-distance Interactive Online Experiments between Moscow, Tomsk and Samara – First Results"
    Harry A. Patrinos (World Bank and IZA), Noam Angrist (University of Oxford), Simeon Djankov (London School of Economics), Pinelopi K. Goldberg (Yale University)
  "Measuring Human Capital"
    Alessandro Toppeta (University College London), Alex Armand (Nova School of Business and Economics), Pedro Carneiro (University College London and IZA)
  "Local Labour Market and Parental Perceived Returns to Schooling: Evidence from Panel Data"
11:45 - 12:15   Coffee Break
12:15 - 13:30   Session F: Invited Lecture – Jointly with the AMEC Conference (Room: 435)
  Chair: Alexander Muravyev (HSE University and IZA)
    Hilmar Schneider (Chief Executive Officer of IZA)
"Digitalization and the Future of Work"

13:30 - 14:30   Lunch
14:30 - 16:10   Session G: A Long-term View of Labor Market Developments in Post-transition Economies
  Chair: Furio C. Rosati (University of Rome Tor Vergata and IZA)
    Vladimir Gimpelson (HSE University and IZA), Evgenia Chernina (HSE University), Hartmut Lehmann (University of Bologna, HSE University and IZA), Fabian Slonimczyk (HSE University and IZA)
  "Post-school Wage Growth in the Context of the Transition to a Market Economy"
    Nauro F. Campos (University College London and IZA)
  "Goulash Labor Market Structural Reforms: Hungary, 1986-2016"
16:10 - 16:30   Concluding Remarks