9th IZA Workshop: Environment, Health and Labor Markets
About the Online Workshop
We are pleased to invite submissions for the 9th IZA Workshop on Environment, Health and Labor Markets.
Environmental and health policy decisions should aim to equalize the benefits and costs of improving environmental quality or health services. While the benefits generally accrue in form of increased health, worker productivity and human capital, quality of life, and amenity values, the costs of providing such services are largely borne through potential impacts on workers or firms. Successful policy development requires detailed and reliable information on the magnitude and determinants of these benefits and costs, even in the presence of market failures and externalities.
The aim of the 2022 workshop of IZA's Environment, Health and Labor Markets program area is to bring together researchers analyzing the impact of environmental factors and health policies on labor market outcomes, human capital outcomes, industrial activity, production decisions and demographic outcomes.
Researchers interested in participating should submit a full paper or extended abstract by March 20, 2022 using the Online Application Form.
Notifications will be sent by April 18, 2022.
If you are interested in the workshop feel free to sign up to live-stream the event. We welcome to share this call for papers with other interested researchers.