IZA - Conference Program
IZA Workshop: Health and Labor Markets
Program |
+++ presentation: 45 minutes +++ floor discussion: 15 minutes +++
Friday, November 03:
08:00 |
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08:35 |
Registration |
08:35 |
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08:40 |
Solomon W. Polachek (Binghampton University, New York and IZA) |
Session A: Employment, Wages and Health |
08:40 |
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09:40 |
Michael Grossman (CUNY Graduate Center, NBER and IZA), Daniel Dench (City University of New York) |
"Health and the Wage Rate: Cause, Effect, Both, or Neither? New Evidence on an Old Question"
09:40 |
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10:40 |
Zornitza Kambourova (Utrecht University), Wolter Hassink (Utrecht University and IZA), Adriaan Kalwij (Utrecht University) |
"Women's Employment Adjustments after an Adverse Health Event"
10:40 |
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11:00 |
Coffee Break |
Session B: Medical Innovation, Health Insurance and Labor Market Outcomes |
11:00 |
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12:00 |
Vincent Pohl (University of Georgia), Sung-Hee Jeon (Statistics Canada) |
"Labor Market Effects of Medical Innovation: The Case of Breast and Prostate Cancer"
12:00 |
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13:00 |
Thomas DeLeire (Georgetown University and IZA) |
"The Effect of Disenrollment from Medicaid on Employment, Insurance Coverage, and Health Care Utilization"
13:00 |
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14:10 |
Lunch |
Session C: Sickness Absence |
14:10 |
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15:10 |
Laszlo Goerke (IAAEU, University of Trier and IZA), Olga Lorenz (IAAEU, University of Trier) |
"Commuting and Sickness Absence"
15:10 |
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16:10 |
Harald Dale-Olsen (Institute for Social Research, Oslo), Alex Bryson (University College London and IZA) |
"Does Sick Pay Affect Workplace Absence?"
16:10 |
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16:30 |
Coffee Break |
16:30 |
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17:30 |
Marton Csillag (Budapest Institute for Policy Analysis) |
"The Incentive Effects of Sickness Absence Compensation - Analysis of a "Natural Experiment" in Eastern Europe"
19:00 |
Dinner |
Saturday, November 04:
Session D: Unemployment and Workers Health |
08:40 |
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09:40 |
Janet Currie (Princeton University and IZA) |
"Opioids and Unemployment: Is There a Connection"
09:40 |
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10:40 |
Annette Bergemann (University of Bristol and IZA), Erik Groenqvist (University of Uppsala) |
"The Effect of Job Displacement on the Onset of Diabetes"
10:40 |
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11:00 |
Coffee Break |
Session E: Employment, Health and Older Workers |
11:00 |
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12:00 |
Pierre-Carl Michaud (HEC Montreal and IZA), Italo A. Gutierrez (RAND Corporation) |
"Whistle While You Work: Job Insecurity and Older Workers’ Mental Health in the United States"
12:00 |
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13:00 |
Jack Britton (Institute for Fiscal Studies, London), Richard Blundell (University College London and IZA), Monica Costa Dias (Institute for Fiscal Studies, London and IZA), Eric French (University College London) |
"The Dynamic Effects of Health on the Employment of Older Workers"
13:00 |
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14:10 |
Lunch |
Session F: Education, Social Disadvantage and Health |
14:10 |
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15:10 |
Lena Janys (University of Bonn), Gerard J. van den Berg (University of Bristol and IZA), Kaare Christensen (University of Southern Denmark) |
"The Effect of Education on Mortality"
15:10 |
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16:10 |
Carl Lin (Bucknell University and IZA), Yana van der Meulen Rodgers (Rutgers University) |
"Social Disadvantage and Child Health among China’s Rural-Urban Migrant Households"
16:10 |
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16:15 |
Final Remarks
Konstantinos Tatsiramos (University of Nottingham and IZA) |